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Golf Updates

Good afternoon,

I hope this finds everyone doing well and playing some golf as the professional season winds down over the next month! We still have lots of tournament golf going on with Q-Schools for all tours and college golf and high school golf heating up as well. You will find below our fall dates for our retreats with our team approach getting you better at the game. These retreats will focus on golf specific fitness, mental and performance coaching, development of improved swing mechanics as well as on course development with the help of a PGA Tour and major winning caddie! These small groups and golf game deep dives fill fast so if you’re interested for yourself or your junior or college player please email or text ASAP.

For those watching and who love golf content our ninth Pro Work episode premiered a week ago and has 60k views. This project was our biggest endeavors as Wade Hamilton, Dr. Greg Cartin and myself ventured to my favorite spot, Key West, and worked with local tarpon fishing guru Justin “Juice” Valakis on his game after taking 12-plus years off. In return he taught us the intricacies and process involved in catching tarpon. I’m hooked. The venture brought out a bunch of lessons for all golfers from both the golf lessons and the fishing lessons. You can watch it here. Teaching Golf to Juice! We also put a really cool article out in Golf Digest online with the help of Luke Kerr-Dineen. You can read it here. Golf Digest: 6 things you should learn!

Check out our instruction dates below!  Who knows, if you come to a retreat, you may just end up in a Pro Work episode! We hope to see you on the tee soon!

Private Golf Lessons,
Player Development Workshops,
Junior Golf Camps

Spend a few days with the Dewsweepers Golf team. We look forward to working with you!

~ Tony Ruggiero

The Dewsweepers Golf

Player Development Retreats